• A paper on HaloGFP based sodium sensor is now published

    Our new research paper, “A chemigenetic indicator based on a synthetic chelator and a green fluorescent protein for imaging of intracellular sodium ions”, is now published in RSC Chemical Biology! Congratulations to Shiori and all co-authors! The paper can be accessed here. 竹内さんらによるナトリウムイオンに対する蛍光センサーに関する論文 が RSC Chemical Biology誌に発表されました。おめでとうございます!論文はこちらから。

  • A paper on a high-performance chemigenetic potassium fluorescent sensor is now published!

    Our new research paper, “High-Performance Chemigenetic Potassium Ion Indicator”, is now published in JACS! Congratulations to Dazhou and all co-authors! The paper can be accessed here. Dazhouさんらによるカリウムイオンに対する高性能な蛍光センサーに関する論文 が JACS誌に発表されました。おめでとうございます!論文はこちらから。 プレスリリースはこちら。English press release is here.

  • A paper on E3 substrate screening is now published!

    Our new research paper titled “High-Throughput Discovery of Substrate Peptide Sequences for E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Using a cDNA Display Method” is now published in ChemBioChem. Congratulations! The paper can be accessed here. 玉川さんらによるE3 substrate screeningに関する論文 が ChemBioChem誌に発表されました。おめでとうございます!論文はこちらから。

  • New members join our lab! (October, 2024)

    We are excited to welcome Yong, a new postdoctoral researcher, and Luke, an intern, to our lab! 10月から博士研究員のYongさんとインターン生のLukeさんが研究室に加わりました。

  • Chai received a Ph.D. degree!

    Dr. Chai has successfully completed his Ph.D! Congratulations!!! Chaiさんが博士号を取得しました。おめでとうございます!!!

  • Former assistant professor Dr. Yusuke Nasu started a new lab in Taiwan

    We are excited to announce that Dr. Yusuke Nasu, formerly an Assistant Professor in our lab, has started his own research group at the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, in Taiwan. Congratulations! 当研究室で助教授を務めていた那須雄介博士が、台湾の中央研究院生物化学研究所で研究グループを立ち上げました。おめでとうございます!

  • Dr. Tsao transitions from postdoctoral researcher to Assistant Professor in our lab!

    We welcome Dr. Kelvin K. Tsao, a former postdoctoral researcher, as a new assistant professor in our lab! 前ポスドク研究員のKelvin K. Tsao博士が当研究室の新助教授として着任しました!

  • Shosei received the poster award

    Shosei received the poster award at the 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chemical Biology. Congratulations!!! 今井くんが、第18回⽇本ケミカルバイオロジー学会でポスター賞を受賞されました。おめでとうございます!!!

  • A paper on NIR-GECO3 is now published!

    We are thrilled to announce that our latest research paper titled “Development of an miRFP680-Based Fluorescent Calcium Ion Biosensor Using End-Optimized Transposons” is now published in ACS Sensors! Congratulations to Chai and all co-authors! The paper can be accessed here. Chaiさんらによる近赤外Ca2+センサー (NIR-GECO3 series)に関する論文 (Development of an miRFP680-Based Fluorescent Calcium Ion Biosensor Using End-Optimized Transposons) が ACS Sensors 誌に発表されました。おめでとうございます!論文はこちらから。

  • Professor Campbell Elected as an AAAS Fellow

    Professor Campbell has been elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Congratulations!!! More details can be found here キャンベル教授が米国科学振興協会(AAAS)フェローに選出されました。おめでとうございます!!! 詳しくはこちら