Dazhou and his latest paper on chemigenetic indicators are now featured on Chem-Station. Check it out here!
Our new research paper, “A chemigenetic indicator based on a synthetic chelator and a green fluorescent protein for imaging of intracellular sodium ions”, is now published in RSC Chemical Biology! Congratulations to Shiori and all co-authors! The paper can be accessed here. 竹内さんらによるナトリウムイオンに対する蛍光センサーに関する論文 が RSC Chemical Biology誌に発表されました。おめでとうございます!論文はこちらから。
Our new research paper titled “High-Throughput Discovery of Substrate Peptide Sequences for E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Using a cDNA Display Method” is now published in ChemBioChem. Congratulations! The paper can be accessed here.
玉川さんらによるE3 substrate screeningに関する論文 が ChemBioChem誌に発表されました。おめでとうございます!論文はこちらから。
We are excited to welcome Yong, a new postdoctoral researcher, and Luke, an intern, to our lab!
Dr. Chai has successfully completed his Ph.D! Congratulations!!!
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