152. Development of general-purpose fluorescent biosensors for visualization of intracellular disease-related proteins (細胞内疾患関連タンパク質を可視化する汎用的蛍光センサーの開発)

149. Multimodal fluorescence-optoacoustic in vivo imaging of the near-infrared calcium ion indicator NIR-GECO2G

J. Adachi, T. Terai, S. Hario, R.E. Campbell, and Y. Hori, “蛍光タンパク質とタグタンパク質 (Fluorescent proteins and protein tags)”, 現代化学 (Chemistry Today), 2024, 640, 33-39. (Not peer-reviewed)

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Supplementary material

R.E. Campbell*, “Fluorescent proteins”, Scholarpedia J., 2008, 3(7), 5410. [Open access; Article accessed more than 95,000 times as of July 2014]

Postdoctoral research at the University of California, San Diego:

Graduate research at the University of British Columbia: